Like how our generation will be remembered for exoplanets, just in the 2010's we have discovered tons of exoplanets and other extra terrestrial revolving bodies.
Astronomers have uncovered observations which were conducted in 1917 of a white dwarf that provide the first indirect evidence for existence of exoplanets.  
This rediscovery was brought up by Dr Jay Farihi, after discussions with Professor Ben Zuckerman from UCLA. Farihi wrote a paper in New Astronomy Review about white dwarfs last year, mentioning this important piece of historical astronomy.
IFLscience reports, White dwarfs are the dim, dense remnants of very old stars that have blown away their outer layer. They have been extensively studied, and researchers have noticed that they can become polluted with heavy elements. Since these stars are really hot and dense, heavy elements are only detectable for a short period of time before they sink deeper into the star.
The existence of those heavy elements can be detected by looking at a white dwarf spectrum. The first polluted white dwarf was observed for the first time in 1917, with a spectrum taken on October 24 of that year.It’s called van Maanen’s Star, after its discoverer Adriaan van Maanen, and is located 14 light-years from Earth.
"This star is an icon," Farihi said in a statement. "It is the first of its type. It's really the proto-prototype."
Dr jay Farihi consulted the archives of the Carnegie Observatories, where the original observation plates are stored, and discovered that there were indeed clear indications that this star was polluted.

Jessica Allen, a 31-year-old from California has recently reveilved her story of becoming pregnant whilst already pregnant, resulting in her giving birth to two children who were not conceived at the same time and had different fathers
The lady underwent in vitro fertilization in April 2016 after she accepted to become a surrogate mother for a Chinese couple for the sum of $30,000, The New York Post reports. California is amongst the few US states with legal commercial surrogacy.
In her sixth week of pregnancy, Jessica was given good news that she was actually carrying twins following a routine ultrasound . Her agreed payment was increased by $5K.
She went on to give birth to two boys via cesarean section later that year in December. One month later, she received a photo of the two boys from the Chinese couple with a note saying: “They are not the same, right? Have you thought about why they are different?”
Jessica told ABC news that she noticed one baby had a lighter skin than the other so obviously the weren't identical twins.After DNA tests It came out that one baby was Allen's biological child and the other baby was the Chinese couple's child.
iflscience reports, This is a phenomenon known as “superfetation”. It’s extremely rare because, in the most majority of cases, a pregnant woman’s body releases hormones to stop ovulation. In this case, however, Jessica's body continued to ovulate, releasing an egg that managed to become fertilized. Since superfetation is rare in humans, scientists and practitioners actually know very little about how and why it happens.
Good news, the two babies are now fit and healthy. After a complicated and pricey legal process, Jessica and her partner Jasper received custody of their baby in February and named him Malachi.

To show and explain the procedures, we’ve rustled up the below infographic showing how Android software moves from Google, to Sony Mobile, to Xperia users out in the real world. 

Very soon Apple will become the first-ever trillion dollar company in the US after its fourth-quarter earnings report.
The company's Shares has increased by 4.34% on Friday after the company's fourth-quarter earnings result and so basically it has exceeded their expectations. Apple reported GAAP earnings of $2.07 per share compared to Wall Street's expectations of $1.87 per share, on revenue of $52.6 billion compared to the $50.5 billion expected.Apple is now worth more than $902 billion after the company's earnings report, and has gained about 9.2% over the last month
Calculations anticipate that if $20 per share will be added then Apple will be the first $1 trillion company, as measured by market capitalization. The company needs to hit $193.60 per share, an 11% move higher from its current price of $175.12, to hit the fabled trillion dollar mark.
Till now, Apple is up 44.74% this year following its post-earnings bump.

Read more about the company's earnings here...

From the testimony of internet companies that Russian were attempting to influence public opinion via Facebook and Instagram. Facebook just revealed that the ads and fake accounts have long been taken down.
TechCrunch Reports, "But Facebook delivered them to Congress as part of an ongoing inquiry into the effect of Russia’s meddling, and the House’s Intelligence Committee has posted a handful ahead of its hearing tomorrow"

Aram Pan, a Singapore photographer, has managed to capture the world’s first ever 360-degree video of the North Korean capital of Pyongyang.

The photographer used the Entaniya 280 camera setup to take the 360-degree videos of the city and he had also taken with him three extra cameras to capture photos and video. We all know, North Korea is well known for preventing filming and photographs.
Aerial photos of Pyongyang have up to now been banned. However, it seems like Pan had been given the go because he has a more positive attitude towards the people of North Korea.

Take a look at the video

Apple seems to have plenty of cases and sleeves to protect their gadgets, most notably for the iPhone and iPad. For the fist time apple made a Macbook sleeve
The leather sleeve comes in Saddle Brown and Midnight Blue, and is made from ‘high-quality European leather with a soft microfiber lining’, according to Apple
Purchase this Leather Sleeve here, at $149.