On August 14, 2017, European Southern Observatory Scientists have discovered the closest multi-planet system around a red dwarf star to Earth. As far as technology is concerned these planets are unlikely to be habitable, they could be important worlds for future study.
The three planets (b, c, and d) were discovered around a red dwarf called YZ Ceti. It’s located 12 light-years away from us. They are all similar in mass to our planet, ranging from 0.75 times Earth’s mass for the innermost planet, to 0.98 for the middle, and 1.14 for the outermost.
Full report is available on arXiv, led by Nicola Astudillo-Defru from the University of Geneva, and has been accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters.Even NASA announced these good news 4 days ago.

More than 700 million e-mail accounts have had their e-mail addresses leaked by a spambot - and the information is being used to spread dangerous banking malware.Initially uncovered by the Paris-based security researcher (Benkow), it contains two separate storage of data, one simply of email addresses, and the second more serious set contains addresses and passwords.
Stick your email into haveibeenpwned.com to see if yours is one of the unlucky 700 million address that has been harvested, or one of the even more unfortunate ones to have also had their passwords taken too.
The e-mail breach was outlined by Australian computer security expert Troy Hunt, who runs the Have I Been Pwned website and he is who first got his hands on the mega list after Benkow sent it to him, and subsequently uploaded it.
 "Getting on to the data itself, the first place to start is with an uncomfortable truth: my email address is in there. Twice" He said

Crossing the Arctic was the ultimate challenge back in the days. From Franklin to Peary, the Arctic didn’t make it easy.A Russian ship just made one of the fastest sail along an Arctic shipping route without the help of a chaperone icebreaker ship.
Obviously this can be a good news for sailers but turns out to be bad news to environmentalists because of diminished Arctic sea, likely as a result of climate change. The ship made it through the ice because the ice is no more thicker as it used to so its easy for a ship to break through.
On Aug. 17, the Russian tanker, the Christophe de Margerie, carried over 75,000 tons of liquified natural gas (LNG) from Norway to South Korea, according to a statement by the Northern Sea Route Administration.The tanker crossed from Norway to South Korea in just 19 days only, 30 percent faster than taking the usual route through the Suez Canal, traversing the Russian Arctic section of the route in just six and a half days.

The format of dating shows has progressed from game show contestant, matchmaking to modern day VR/reality-style shows where the cast competes to hookup.You remember those gimmick-based dating shows about people going on dates naked, or in the dark, or with some other twist? Some other company is doing this for virtual reality now.But what happens when you take the blind date show format and teleport it into the future? You get a dating show that takes place entirely in a virtual world.
          Virtual reality (VR) is a computer technology that uses Virtual reality                    headsets, sometimes in combination with physical spaces or multi-projected environments, to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment
The first half of Virtual Dating’s couple is Shelby, a hedge fund office administrator and the second is John. The producers scan both of their bodies to create photorealistic 3D avatars, including molded faces plastered with rictus grins. Then they head into a virtual bar and start the date.
So far,Virtually Dating is not bridging a massive geographical gap with VR. But couples are actually in the same location.The ostensible entertainment is watching people flail around with rubbery limbs, joking about how weird they look in VR. Sometimes the avatars turn into dinosaurs or get whisked to a lunar landscape, and you can watch them joke about how weird it feel being in it. 
Condé Nast Entertainment (CNÉ) has premiered the first episode of a new show called “Virtually Dating,” the show was launched on Facebook’s Watch platform yesterday

A pair of male lions has been caught attempting to mate at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park in the north of England. The pair is amongst of the 13 lions that are placed at the English animal reserve.Homosexuality?It is not unusual for lions to behave that wayHomosexual behavior in lions, especially in male lions, is actually fairly common
Amateur wildlife photographer Russ Bridges snapped the pictures on August 19. Bridges captured one of the male lions moving towards the other male and started pinning him down. After a while, they apparently began to mate. The lioness appears to have a very dispassionate look on her face. According to the photographer, "she’s not really interested in them. Every time either male approached her she would snarl at them and smack their faces with her paw.
“Usually they lay asleep doing nothing when I go to photograph them, but this time they were up and about. My favourite shot is the one where he appears to be sticking his tongue out,” Bridges told The Independent.
“I've never seen a shot of two males on top of one another with one sticking his tongue out before – it's like he's showing some pride in what he's doing.”
Obviously it’s not just about mating. Courtship rituals like affectionate nuzzling, caressing, and head rubs, as well as playful rolling around, have all been witnessed. Male pairs bond for several days before they actually mount each other. Experts estimate that 8 percent of all mounting occurs with other males.

From music to live TV, YouTube has come a long way in the 12 since it launched. YouTube has preserved the same look of the logo for over a long time and now things have changed from its user interface to its official logo. 
“We felt, because of all that growth, we were missing the mark. We wanted to make something more unified and cohesive, something that really reads as YouTube,” says Bettig. “We were hoping to build a visual language that would make it easy for folks to recognize it.”
“We have the word tube in a tube,” says Christopher Bettig, the head of YouTube’s art department. “This is weird. No one know what this is.” Tube is slang for a television set, which used to be powered by vacuum tubes. But neither tubes nor TVs are central to the world’s biggest video service today, the service is announcing significant changes and new features are on the way.

Starting today, YouTube is rolling out changes to its user interface, along with a new logo designed to keep the “Tube” and onto the familiar play button which has already become an iconic shorthand for the company.
On the mobile side, YouTube will support vertical video, giving viewers a full-screen view without having to turn their devices sideways or deal with a really giant black bars on the side which used to be very annoying to users.

WARR Hyperloop,Facebook

A team of students from Germany sent a carbon-plastic pod whizzing through a Hyperloop tube prototype at 201 mph (324 km/h) last weekend, securing the top spot in Elon Musk's second Hyperloop competition.
The Hyperloop concept is a new transportation mode proposed by Elon Musk in 2013. By having capsules levitate inside of a low-pressure tube, pods travel at speeds close to the speed of sound
The winning team, WARR Hyperloop from the Technical University of Munich, took top prize again in the second Hyperloop Pod Competition, which was held from Aug. 25 and 27. The team's pod was one of only three that met the technical criteria for testing inside the 0.8-mile (1.28 km) tube at SpaceX headquarters.Well, as mentioned earlier this is the second competition as they also won the first one which was held between January 27-29, 2017.
A little bit about WARR, they are the Scientific Workgroup for Rocketry and Spaceflight, a group from the TU Munich that has been developing rockets and satellites since 1962. With their Rocketry department, WARR was happy to apply when SpaceX announced the Hyperloop student competition back in 2015.
Musk, tweeted right upon the victory of the WARR team 
The WARR team's winning pod is powered by an electric motor and lithium-polymer batteries. The brakes decelerated the pod from its peak 201-mph speed in 3 seconds. On Twitter, "Might be possible to go supersonic in our test Hyperloop tube, even though it's only 0.8 miles long. Very high accel/decel needed …" 

Musk's plans include making the whole Hyperloop project entirely self-powered by installing solar panels above the tunnels.

Scientists have just discovered a new species of purple frog Deep in the Western Ghats mountain range of India, which they have called the Bhupathy's purple frog, it’s certainly not pretty.
They describe the amphibian as characterized by its smooth grayish skin with purple marbling, its small beady eyes, and its rather strange pig-like snout. The frog is only known to live in just three seasonal streams within the stunning Western Ghats mountains that are found along the western coast of India. Most of its time is spent living underground in shallow little burrows, which is probably why it pretty much looks like an amphibious mole.
Its lifecycle is like of that normal frog, it starts life as squiggling little tadpoles. Unlike the rather shy adults, the tadpoles of this newly described species are found in the lively cascades that flow during monsoon seasons. As reported, the tadpoles actually latch onto the rock face behind the waterfall like a suckerfish.

If you want to get to go unnoticed in a crime, it's often said that you should simply walk in the world of cryptocurrencies and faceless online pseudonyms, that’s a little bit tougher.
Its reported that, Computer scientists have now developed the first automated system to track down exploitative sex trafficking trails working on the Internet. The tool finds connections between online advertising posts and data from the digital currency Bitcoin using a series of prompted machine learning algorithms. 
Couple months ago, The Washington Post once reported a story of a teen who was trafficked on Backpage.com

“The internet has facilitated a lot of methods that traffickers can take advantage of. They can easily reach big audiences and generate a lot of content without having to reveal themselves,” says Rebecca Portnoff at the University of California, Berkeley.

Thanks to computer scientists who can now flag these kind of crimes and this is how it works,The AI algorithm starts by analyzing the language and structure of the post on online platforms such as Backpage and Craigslist. It can determine which adverts show victims who are forced into prostitution.
“Is the pimp behind that post for Backpage also behind this post in Craigslist? Is he the same man who keeps receiving Bitcoin for trafficked girls?" Rebecca Portnoff, a UC Berkeley PhD candidate in computer science, who developed the tool as part of her dissertation, said in a statement. "Questions like these are answerable only through more sophisticated technological tools – exactly what we’ve built in this work – that link ads together using payment mechanisms and the language in the ads themselves.”
Once an author is flagged as doubting, another AI algorithm is prompted to look at the Bitcoin blockchain. The blockchain is a digital ledger where all transactions and accounts are publicly logged, however the real-life identities of the payees remain unknown. The second algorithm looks at how much money is being exchanged and when the transactions take place, then identifies whether there are any links between this data and the information in the suspicious advert post. this can be used to find the identity of a criminal or a trafficking ring.
After all has been done the case has to be carried out by the police. However, the tool has already shown it holds the potential to be a key tool for law enforcement and nonprofit organizations trying to identify victims of human trafficking. 

Facebook added an additional defense today against the spread of viral hoaxes and false news or scams. 
"Over the past year we have taken several steps to reduce false news and hoaxes on Facebook. Currently, we do not allow advertisers to run ads that link to stories that have been marked false by third-party fact-checking organizations. Now we are taking an additional step. If Pages repeatedly share stories marked as false, these repeat offenders will no longer be allowed to advertise on Facebook." 
Thats a quoted post from the newsroom Wordpress site
In that same post, the company says it is cracking down on the “instances of Pages using Facebook ads to build their audiences in order to distribute false news more broadly.” This latest effort is aimed at keeping these false scam pages from fooling facebook users while making money. But if an offending page stops sharing false news, may become eligible to run ads again after Facebook approval.
NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

This beautiful image was taken on May 21, 2017, at Mars northern hemisphere, by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera which was built by Ball Aerospace and Technology Corporation and is operated by the University of Arizona. Unlike on Earth, this snow and ice is carbon dioxide, better known to us as dry ice.
The planet experiences four seasons just like Earth does, but, since the year is longer on the planet, the axial tilt is different, but Mars has a more eccentric orbit than Earth, the seasons are not the same length as each other or the same in each hemisphere.
On Mars, in the northern hemisphere to be exact, spring is the longest season When the sun starts shining on it in the spring, the ice on the smooth surface of the dune cracks and escaping gas carries dark sand out from the dune below, often creating beautiful patterns. On the rough surface between the dunes, frost is trapped behind small sheltered ridges.

Mathematicians everywhere will be thrilled by the solving of this 3,700-year-old tablet, which experts at the University of New South Wales, Australia (UNSW), have discovered to be the world’s oldest trigonometric table but further complex. 
Almost a century ago, Edgar Banks – dug up a clay tablet in southern Iraq and sold to a collector George Plimpton in 1945 for $10 (£8), its fate was far from sealed, and it’s confounded mathematicians ever since, but it took until now for it to make sense. With this explanation has come insight into Babylonian mathematics which in some ways preferable, system than our own.

The tablet’s accuracy is pretty much unparalleled, due to the Babylonian way of approaching arithmetic; Babylonian maths uses a base of 60 – a sexagesimal system, as opposed to the 10 used in modern mathematics. Sixty being far easier to divide by three. Which means that the calculations are generally more accurate. Dr Daniel Mansfield of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW attested to this benefit. “The tablet not only contains the world’s oldest trigonometric table,” he said, “it is also the only completely accurate trigonometric table, because of the very different Babylonian approach to arithmetic and geometry.”

Surprisingly The idea of Plimpton 322 (The Babylonian tablet) as a trigonometric table had been raised before, and eventually rejected, but this was done in the absence of an understanding of Wildberger's methods.

Mansfield and Wildberger concluded that the ancient Babylonians had beaten Wildberger to his ideas by almost four millenia now, albeit only for right-angled triangles. They report in Historica Mathematica that instead of using sinΘ, cosΘ, and tanΘ as we do – something we of course inherited from the ancient Greeks – Plimpton 322 could be used by anyone needing to know the length of one side of a right-angled triangle by finding the closest match to the two known sides.

Oxygen is very vital, so far we know that in Mars there's plenty of water and snow but oxygen is missing.NASA said that their new mission to launch and operate Mars automated research station Mars 2020 Rover will include an experiment to produce oxygen from the local atmosphere. 
Basically America is hoping to rush to the Red Planet, NASA Acting Chief Administrator Robert Lightfoot, Jr. highlighted one possible way of getting oxygen onto Mars: via the next lander that’s going there but it should be clear that, the lander will manufacture the gas from the atmosphere over there.
“The next lander that is going to Mars, Mars 2020, has an experiment where we are going to try and actually generate oxygen out of the atmosphere on Mars,” Lightfoot, Jr. explained.
Mars’ atmosphere is incredibly thin It consists of 95.32% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon and about 0.13% oxygen, and also contains many other gases in smaller quantities. In the Earth's atmosphere, about 78% of nitrogen and 21% of oxygen. Its believed that Many millions of years ago, its atmosphere was far denser, and even contained Earth-like amounts of oxygen. However, its magnetic field failed, and the powerful solar wind stripped most of the gases away and propelled them into space thats why there are a bit of oxygen in the upper atmosphere.
One feasible way to boost oxygen levels is through nature processes like photosynthesis. Photosynthesis actively turns carbon dioxide into oxygen all the time, so if something similar to this process can be compressed down into a tiny box, it could be attached to a rover.
this is possible would be to use a powerful laser to “slice off” the extra carbon atom attached to the CO2 in Mars atmosphere to produce O2. Alternatively, electrolysis can also work
NASA is opting for the latter option, and they’ve installed MOXIE – Mars Oxygen In situ resource utilization Experiment – on the Mars 2020 rover. The goal is to produce small amounts of oxygen as purely as possible at the surface.
If successful, NASA plans to place a MOXIE-like instrument, but about 100 times larger, on Mars that would produce oxygen for future astronauts to use when they arrive. As a gas, it’s breathable; as a liquid, it’s literal rocket fuel.

Zipline, a California-based robotics company that has made a name for itself delivering blood by drone in some parts of Africa eg Rwanda, has just announced plans to work with the Tanzania Ministry of Health and the country’s Medical Stores Department (MSD) to open four distribution centers in Tanzania over the next four years starting from 2018.
This company is aimed at delivering blood via drone to over a thousand public health facilities in Tanzania.This will be very crucial in delivering blood into remote health facilities within the country also they plan to include on-demand delivery of other medical supplies like emergency vaccines, HIV medications, and anti-malaria drugs. 
Zipline will partner with the Human Development Impact Fund, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Saving Lives at Birth initiative to conduct research on the company's impact on the region in Tanzania.

Today at 12:59am PDT Elon musk from his official Instagram page posted his spacesuit made by his company SpaceX, an American aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California. Just to be clear the suit is totally not a prototype at all. The suit is acknowledged to be very special as it was tested to double vacuum pressure.Musk didn’t specify, if this suit will be worn during space walks, trip to mars or even on regular transportation in capsules. But typically pressure suits are specialized in being worn by astronauts during transports to or from Space station, the suit itself can overcome a depressurizing capsule. But it seems like the suits will be worn by NASA astronauts when SpaceX starts transporting people to and from the International Space Station. 
Honestly the design is very elegant and feels right at home in a sci-fi flick, while simultaneously paying homage to the old school suits NASA astronauts wore to the moon. I must say this is the best spacesuit ever being designed.

Sleep is a universal necessity—not just for every person, but for every animal too. But just as we all sleep differently, every species of animal is unique in the way they catch their Zzz’s. Have you ever wondered how dolphins—one of the most beloved and emotionally complex species of the animal kingdom—sleep? The answer might surprise you!

“Dolphins sleep with one eye open, because only half their brain is asleep at a time. The other half is breathing, keeping warm, and staying safe from predators. You are not a dolphin! You need eight hours of quality sleep with both eyes closed to be at your best.”

Sleeping with one eye open might work for a dolphin, but it won’t work for you. 

Elon Musk the founder, CEO, and CTO of SpaceX has been outspoken about the dangers of AI, Recently he was quoted saying that Mark Zuckerberg has a limited knowledge in AI. He's very pessimistic with the advance of artificial intelligence and he thinks theres need to take action before it's too late.

 In July, he spoke at the National Governors Association summer meeting and urged lawmakers to regulate AI now before it poses a grave threat to humanity. And in 2014, Musk said artificial intelligence is humanity's "biggest existential threat."

Elon tweeted on Aug. 12

This is going to blow your mind, just stay on your seat and buckle up. Look at your hands. If your ring fingers and index fingers are looks almost similar in length, congratulations! You might be good in sports/extra curriculum activities but unfortunately It only counts if you're a teenage boy.
Recent Researches published in the Journal of Early Human Development, show a moderate correlation between having a lower digit ratio and greater muscular strength.
To figure out your digit ratio, measure the length of your index finger and the length of your ring finger from palm to tip. Now, divide the first number by the second number. Typically, males have longer index fingers, whereas females have index and ring fingers of a similar size.  If you are a male and your digit ratio appears to be lower then typically you have a stronger handgrip than others without regardless of body size and age. Tomkinson says, muscular strength is an important skill for many youth sports and athletic activities. 
It's possible this relationship between finger length and sporting prowess comes down to the hormones you were exposed to as a fetus.
"Testosterone is the natural steroid hormone," says Grant Tomkinson, professor of kinesiology and public health education at the University of North Dakota, in his own statement. It "enhances sport, athletic, and fitness test performances."  

Tesla is building a new mega-factory in Nevada that won’t be complete for several years. 

Google’s research division today detailed just how easy it is for computer algorithms to bypass standard photo watermarking practices done by many stock images providers, stripping those images of copyright protection and making them vulnerable to reposting across the internet without their credit.

Elon Musk is the founder, CEO of SpaceX; a co-founder, a Series A investor, CEO, and product architect of Tesla Inc. co-chairman of OpenAI; founder and CEO of Neuralink. 

As a kid, he used to be bullied so much but he was very smart back then he loved to read more than anything at age 12, as a kid living in South Africa, he made a PC game called Blastar. You can still play that game today.

At age 10, he developed an interest in computing with the Commodore VIC-20.He taught himself computer programming at the age of 12, sold the code for a BASIC-based video game he created called Blasta Musk sold the code for Blastar for $500 to the magazine PC and Office Technology, Tomas Lloret Llinares — a software engineer at Google — took the code and rebuilt the game to work in HTML5.

This lioness was on the hunt for some food in Maasai Mara plains, Kenya, when she spotted a hippopotamus.
Take a look at the surprising footage below.

