Ninety percent of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. Our current output of data is roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes a day. As the world steadily becomes more connected with an ever-increasing number of electronic devices, that’s only set to grow over the coming years.
Domo has just released their fifth annual infographic looking into the world’s data generation and online behavior, called “Data Never Sleeps 5.0.” You can check out their infographic from 2016 herefor comparison's sake.
As a whole, the Internet population has grown by 7.5 percent since 2016 and now includes over 3.7 billion humans. In terms of data usage, that’s a hell of a strain. On average, the US alone spits out 2,657,700 gigabytes of Internet data every minute.
The growth of Internet-based media platforms and services are having their day in the sun, but not all. Amazon, YouTube, and Netflix are some of the biggest users of Internet bandwidth. While Amazon is enjoying record profits (around $258,751 sales per minute, up from $222,283 last year) and YouTube is streaming more than ever (4.14 million videos watched per minute), Netflix has seen a 20 percent decrease in the number of “hours” their viewers watched shows per minute compared to 2016.
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