If Your Email Address or username Is On This List, Change Your Password Right Away

More than 700 million e-mail accounts have had their e-mail addresses leaked by a spambot - and the information is being used to spread dangerous banking malware.Initially uncovered by the Paris-based security researcher (Benkow), it contains two separate storage of data, one simply of email addresses, and the second more serious set contains addresses and passwords.
Stick your email into haveibeenpwned.com to see if yours is one of the unlucky 700 million address that has been harvested, or one of the even more unfortunate ones to have also had their passwords taken too.
The e-mail breach was outlined by Australian computer security expert Troy Hunt, who runs the Have I Been Pwned website and he is who first got his hands on the mega list after Benkow sent it to him, and subsequently uploaded it.
 "Getting on to the data itself, the first place to start is with an uncomfortable truth: my email address is in there. Twice" He said


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