UK government: North Korea was behind the WannaCry cyber-attack!

On October,27 the U.K. government said North Korea was behind a WannaCry cyber-attack that obstructed Britain's state-owned health service's IT systems
 "WannaCry" targeted a number of private and public businesses, government entities and the U.K.'s National Health Service (NHS) earlier this year which encrypted and blocked the access to a user's computer until a sum of bitcoin money was paid.
The Attackers got away with $143,000 in bitcoin relating to ransoms paid 
U.K. Security Minister Ben Wallace opened up to BBC that, "I think we should perhaps remember that this attack, we believe quite strongly, that this came from a foreign state," 
In his own statement the security Minister was certain that they suspect the North Koreans involvement: "North Korea was the state we believe was involved in this worldwide attack on our systems, We can be sure as possible. I can't obviously go into the detail of intelligence, but it is widely believed in the (intelligence) community and across a number of countries that North Korea had taken this role."

Not less than 34 percent of NHS regional trusts were disrupted by the breach, the NAO said.
The U.K. security Minister Ben Wallace called on Western nations to create a "doctrine of deterrent," to prevent more cyber-attacks.
Amyas Morse, head of the Britain's National Audit Office (NAO), said the breach which happened in May was "relatively unsophisticated" and "could have been prevented" using "basic IT security best practice." It is believed that if the NHS and the U.K.'s Department of Health will "get their act together" then possible they can avoid future attacks.Also it seems like the department had been warned about the risk of a cyber-attack hitting the NHS a year before to the attach.
Following the cyber-attack, even the Microsoft President Brad Smith admitted that N. Korea was responsible.
"I think, at this point, that all observers in the know have concluded that WannaCry was caused by North Korea using cyber tools or weapons that were stolen from the National Security Agency in the United States," the executive told U.K. broadcaster ITV earlier this month.
Many thinks North Korea had been attempting these cyber-attacks to raise cash in order to cope with international trade sanctions.


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