A Woman Just Became Pregnant While ALREADY Pregnant

Jessica Allen, a 31-year-old from California has recently reveilved her story of becoming pregnant whilst already pregnant, resulting in her giving birth to two children who were not conceived at the same time and had different fathers
The lady underwent in vitro fertilization in April 2016 after she accepted to become a surrogate mother for a Chinese couple for the sum of $30,000, The New York Post reports. California is amongst the few US states with legal commercial surrogacy.
In her sixth week of pregnancy, Jessica was given good news that she was actually carrying twins following a routine ultrasound . Her agreed payment was increased by $5K.
She went on to give birth to two boys via cesarean section later that year in December. One month later, she received a photo of the two boys from the Chinese couple with a note saying: “They are not the same, right? Have you thought about why they are different?”
Jessica told ABC news that she noticed one baby had a lighter skin than the other so obviously the weren't identical twins.After DNA tests It came out that one baby was Allen's biological child and the other baby was the Chinese couple's child.
iflscience reports, This is a phenomenon known as “superfetation”. It’s extremely rare because, in the most majority of cases, a pregnant woman’s body releases hormones to stop ovulation. In this case, however, Jessica's body continued to ovulate, releasing an egg that managed to become fertilized. Since superfetation is rare in humans, scientists and practitioners actually know very little about how and why it happens.
Good news, the two babies are now fit and healthy. After a complicated and pricey legal process, Jessica and her partner Jasper received custody of their baby in February and named him Malachi.


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